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The Ikonns

The Ikonns Podcast is hosted by Alex and Mimi Ikonn. We are here to help you create and live your dream life. Join us as we discuss life and business insights with each other and our special guests. Covering topics such as life purpose, building a life that you love, relationships, entrepreneurship, spirituality, health, parenting and much more.

New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.

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Produced By Jason Sanderson @

Sep 26, 2019

Hello our beautiful friends! Today we are connecting with you through another exciting and powerful ‘Ask Me Anything’ episode, full with important messages and reminders. We take the recorded questions that you’ve submitted on our website and we go deep with our answers. 

Full show notes: 

Sep 19, 2019

In today’s inspiring episode we are talking about wandering, exploring life opportunities and becoming digital nomads with Doone Roisin and Pierre Antoine de Preux, a power couple that travels around the world, connect inspiring people together and work on projects that bring them fulfillment. So, let’s dive into...

Sep 12, 2019

This episode is a very interesting, unusual and deep experience, as we have a very special guests today, Tata and Marina from Mayan Elders. We have collected the most inspiring and sparkling insights from our conversation – such as facing death, facing fears, connecting to our inner child and living with love and...

Sep 5, 2019

Travelling, building new relationships, getting a new job, giving and honest feedback or speaking in public — all these situations require you to go outside your comfort zone. And here is the dilemma: one part of us wants to stick to our comfort zone, while the other part strives to face challenges, have unique...