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The Ikonns

The Ikonns Podcast is hosted by Alex and Mimi Ikonn. We are here to help you create and live your dream life. Join us as we discuss life and business insights with each other and our special guests. Covering topics such as life purpose, building a life that you love, relationships, entrepreneurship, spirituality, health, parenting and much more.

New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.

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Produced By Jason Sanderson @

May 30, 2019

In todays episode, Alex and Mimi discuss what it means to go deep both with yourself and others and how doing so can enrich your relationships.

When facing challenges and conflicts throughout our lives, we have a choice, do we stay in the comfort and familiarity of the shallows or do we go out and explore the depths and...

May 23, 2019

In this episode Alex and Mimi chat with the good friend and regular visitor to the Ikonn household, but a first time guest on the show, Lazo Freeman. Lazo is so inspirational to us and a fantastic transformational healer that you need to listen to. He has infinite wisdom that we love.

Born in Iraq to a mix of...

May 21, 2019

In today’s episode Alex and Mimi chat Dr. Rhonda Lenton President and Vice-Chancellor of York University. As the global work environment shifts to new technologies with bigger demands, our education also needs a reboot. Hear Rhonda’s thoughts on the future of formal education.

Rhonda was a first generation student of...

May 16, 2019

As parents, seeing Alexa grow and develop so quickly, like others Alex and Mimi have seen the true magnitude of change. But to some people, change isn’t always welcomed so easily, some people fear change. Change can be a huge deal. This is the topic of today’s episode.

For the most part we don’t remember our early...

May 14, 2019

In today’s episode Alex and Mimi explore what many would say is the most important thing in life... MONEY!! But does having more of it make you happy or do we just need to create an abundance mindset? What’s your relationship with money, we’ll find out in this episode.

Both Alex and Mimi have come from very poor...